Inspired to write, feverishly, fervently even, however, the words aren't eloquently flowing... My head is pounding with pain. A migraine is in the works. My heart is feeling torn between logic and emotion.
The war wages on... though, seemingly, for a lost cause.
Everyone constantly says, "Follow your heart." But what happens when your heart wants something that doesn't want you in return?
- Do you stay vigilant and true to your heart's desires?
- Do you hastily attempt to paste the pieces of your heart back together and move on?
What if you've tried it all?
Numerous times?
Failing miserably at all attempts to move on.
My being vigilant and faithful to my heart, fighting ferociously for my belief in a love so deep against the reasoning of someone so close, but yet, so far gone, repeatedly producing the same results.
So when is enough really "enough"?
I'm stuck in a bad rerun.
I know how it all goes down. I even know when it's all about to happen - every single time. I even understand both sides of the argument, more so now than I ever have.
So why, then, am I still surprised by the waves of sporadic sadness, hurt and disappointment I feel each and every time it happens again? Shouldn't I be numb by now?
I just don't understand it at all. Any of it.
I pray that this relentless, unfaltering love in my heart will eventually release it's hold of me so I that I can peacefully close an unfinished chapter in my life once and for all.
But until that day comes, I have no choice but to remain just as I am. Alone. Driven by the passion of achieving my dreams and being able to provide for myself and for my daughter by being in a career that I will thrive in and more importantly, one that I will absolutely love doing.
"You know when you are following your heart because it will feel right even if your mind is uncomfortable. Every inch of your body -- the very fabric of your soul -- feels alive."
Hope things get better! Stay strong!